
Always informed

I choose website of Cooperativa radio (http://www.cooperativa.cl/) because it is updated all the time. In this website you can see news of Chile and all world during all day, and different areas, like politic, economy, international,sports, etc. Also, Cooperativa is a reliable mass media, and show the new of each day in home page. And you can follow some new of your interest, because this site shows links related with each new.

Is important to my career be always informed and know what is happening around. Before, I didn´t like this kind of websites, but now I like to be moderately well informed.

I discovered this site when I started to study journalism, two years ago. Now, I visit this site, almost every day.

And who knows if some day, in the future I could write in this website.



My favourite piece of technology is my mp3 player. I have had it for a long time, when I was in school. My parents gave it to me as a birthdays gift, because I really wanted it.
From this day I use it every single day, I like listen music when I have to walk, to take the bus, really all of the time.

I think that every day is better when I am listening music. Also, I can choose which songs I want to listen to and it is very easy to use.
Honestly I cannot imagine my life without music. I think that it would be incredibly boring and sad.


I am...

Hi my name is Catalina Brunetti and I´m studying third year of journalism in the university of Chile. I am of the south of country, specifically from Puerto Varas, but now I live in Santiago with my brother. Nevertheless my parents and my little brother still lives in Puerto Varas.
In the beginning it was hard leave the family, even today it is, but I made my decision.

Tamaño de fuenteTo be honest I am not sure of my career, i don´t know if my future is to be a journalist, but, meanwhile I want to learn and I would like travel. This is my principal reason to study english right now.